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Merging in motion

An international artistic movement exchange

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Impression after the first edition

This September 2023 a big international group of 28  young people from Italy, Switzerland and Germany  spend time together in the suisse mountains in Mühle Schangnau. Studying and cocreating together a journey of artistic expression and research around the topics of bodyawareness, social interactions and environment. Establishing a nourishing community experiences for 9 days. Learning new tools for movement, dance, conflict resolution and artistic creation. And concluding their journey with developing performances in nature. This project was a cooperation between the associations Mocona (CH), MuVet (IT) and SuBKultur e.V. (GER). It was financially supported by Movetia. 

Scroll down for more impression about this years edition

Stay tuned for the next Event by joining the Telegram Group


For yu

Final performance

One beautiful highlight of the youth excahnge was the day of the performance, where we could witness eachother in our artisitc expression.


Some personal echoes from our participants

"Feel what is Now and Let go of Control 

How can I stay in Contact and in my own Integrity at the same time? 

Learning to have Patience and Trust in Stillness, in the Listening to the Wisdom of my Body 

Let relaxation lead me into movement, and to the next step

Being Soft and Loving with my Body, with other Bodies

Whatever shows up... Play with it. Dance with it.

What about leaving my Inner Warrior, my feeling of responsibility for the world's pain for a while aside and giving space to my Inner Artist, to discover playfullness and passion in dance, in contact, in every breath of life? "

Merging in Motion - Research 2.JPG
Merging in Motion - Movent 2.JPG

“ Discovering, for a handful of days, a million ways to connect to yourself, the nature, the Other & a given community.”

In a handful of days I discovered  (or “we” discovered) a million ways to connect to myself, nature, each other and the community.


“Through movement research, bodywork, playfull interactions, embodying what I wanted to express.”

Through movement research, bodywork and playfull interactions, I could (learn to) embody what I wanted to express. 


“Allowing the flow of moves and meeting bodies to guide us through the intimate journey of creation.”

We allowed the flow of moving and meeting bodies to guide us through the intimate journey of creation."

"Die regelmässigen Sharings in kleinen Gruppen haben mir erlaubt, mich sicher zu fühlen. Wir sind uns ehrlich begegnet und haben ausgedrückt, was wir am Merging in Motion erleben. In diesem Austausch konnte ich viel Vertrauen schöpfen - zu den anderen beiden Personen und auch zu mir selbst. Es hat mir vor allem Unterstützung gegeben bei meinen Unsicherheiten. Die haben zum Beispiel darin bestanden, dass in der Gruppe auch Menschen mit einem professionellen Tanz- oder Zirkushintergrund sind, und ich da noch nicht so viel Erfahrung habe. In den Sharings habe ich gemerkt, dass ich mit mir selbst entspannter sein kann. Das Merging in Motion ist für mich eine einzigartige Erinnerung und ich wünsche mir so fest, dass es im nächsten Jahr wieder stattfinden wird."

Merging in Motion - Movement 1.JPG
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